Darshan Medicare

In-home nursing services Bangalore

Old age homes in Bangalore

Senior caregiver support

Assisted Living old Age Homes in Bangalore

The Darshan Medicare old age home is a Private organisation, established on 1st October 2019, with a noble cause of providing shelter and support to old age citizens. Old Age Home, being managed and operated i.e. Cared by Darshan Medicare. The core concept is to provide selfless service to disadvantaged persons and bring difference in their life. It ensures a decent and respectable life for the disadvantaged senior citizens, which was seized from their near ones.

Elderly companionship services


To achieve fundamental change in the lives of all older people by empowering them to live full lives as actively engaged citizens and to secure their rights to comprehensive high quality services according to their changing needs.

Elderly companionship services


To enhance the quality of life of elders through innovative and appropriate community-based support systems, comprehensive geriatric care with special focus on dementia and active ageing, combating elder abuse, skill development, economic empowerment, public education, advocacy and capacity-building programs.

At Darshan medicare old age home in bangalore, we are designed to promote or maintain clients’ independence in performing the routine activities of daily living. Our goal is to assist clients to maintain an independent lifestyle wherever they live: at their home, senior living, retirement, elderly care, geriatric care, old age, or MR-All Age Home facility.

Darshan medicare and old age home has furnished non-A/C, single, double, and suite rooms with only veg food being served according to the diets recommended. Darshan medicare has weekly doctor visits and nurses on duty round the clock. It also has doctors on call and ambulances to provide immediate medical aid in case of emergencies. Darshan medicare also provides paramedical staff and essential emergency medical equipment. Every effort is made to provide the elderly with a comfortable, safe, and dignified life during the evening of their lives.

Darshan medicare and old age homes are managed by a group of service-oriented medical and management professionals who have come together with the aim of assisting senior citizens in need of dependency. In Darshan medicare, we have doctors, professional nurses, associate nurses, care takers, physical therapists, dietitian’s, cooks, and housekeepers to ensure quality with worth and mercifulness, continuity and safety while providing services.


Elderly care at home Bangalore

Empathetic Care

Medical care delivered by passionate, qualified & experienced staff

Home-based healthcare services

Family Partner

Our senior care managers Partner the family in the long term care of their elderly

Senior support services Bangalore

Cognitive Therapeutics

Fun yet effective activities designed by experts to keep ageing minds sharp

Elder care home visits

Available 24/7

We are available 24 hours a day to provide your loved one with a caregiver.

Senior care and assistance

We Take Care All Your Needs

Your Trusted Comprehensive Elder Care Services Provider

+91 80950 06403

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